Boomers and Beyond

Deciding to Downsize

Antionette Blake Season 2 Episode 33

Welcome to Boomers and Beyond!  I'm Antionette Blake, your host the DE Divah, diving into a pivotal topic for the boomer generation: deciding to downsize. In Episode #33, I share my journey, moving from a spacious McMansion in Middletown to a charming ranch in Smyrna, embracing change in our golden years. 

Downsizing isn’t just about moving into a smaller space, it's about freeing up finances and increasing manageability, perfect for retirement and new adventures. Whether you're dealing with the emotional ties of leaving your family home or figuring out what to do with years of accumulated belongings, I've got tips for you: 

  • Start early
  • Declutter in steps
  • Make use of platforms like Facebook Marketplace
  • Consider professional organizers or real estate agents specializing in downsizing for a smoother transition

Remember, this is about embracing a new chapter filled with new memories. Thanks for joining me today. Be sure to catch next week's episode of Boomers and Beyond!

#Downsizing #Seniorhousing #Babyboomer #decluttering #retirementhome #Ranchhomes #Estatesales #Retirementhomedecisions #Boomergeneration #housing #Sandwichgeneration #Seniorlifestylecommunities

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